If you’re looking for some extra tips on how to take care of Jewelry while at home without going to a jewelry shop we have some tips for you.



  1. We always suggest taking off your jewelry and putting them in a jewelry box or case when showering, sleeping, gardening, putting on lotion, or any other strenuous activities. This will help keep them clean and slow them from wearing down.
  2. If your jewelry is plated take it off while using hairspray, perfume, and nail polish removers as these can damage the plating and make it wear faster.
  3. Never clean your jewelry in a sink. Always clean in a bowl or something similar just in case precious gems and such fall out.
  4. When cleaning all you need is a non abrasive and detergent soap. Soak your jewelry for 10-15 mins and clean it off with warm water and a soft brush or cloth. Never use strong cleaning chemicals. 
  5. For precious stones such as opal, pearls, etc. Wash very carefully with water and take a soft cloth and lightly clean/dry them. 
  6. For colored gems use warm soap and water and a soft cloth or brush.